Rahel grote Lambers (*1996 in Eschwege) lives and works as a visual artist in Hamburg. In 2021, she completed her Bachelor’s studies at the HFBK Hamburg and is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in the class of Simon Denny at the HFBK. In her interdisciplinary artistic practice, Rahel grote Lambers explores the impact of widely disseminated image-rich narratives in both public and digital spaces, questioning their aesthetics. Additionally, she places the examined visual narratives, often rooted in conservatism, within the context of the underlying ideology and seeks to deconstruct them.

Alexander Klaubert (*1991 in Wittenberg) lives and works in Berlin. Since 2022 he is Meisterschüler (postgraduate studies for artists) of Isabel Lewis at HGB – Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. Before he studied Fine Arts at in the classes of Tina Bara, Joachim Blank and Peggy Buth. Alexander Klaubert’s works were already shown among others at Galerie KLEMM’S, ZAK – Centre for Contemporary Art Berlin and Diskurs Festival Gießen. He works in the field of performance, sculpture, video and sound. Thematically he is located in social structures, gender constructs and identity.  2020 Alexander Klaubert and Francis Kussatz founded their experimental performance duo ‚Klaubert & Kussatz‘. 2020 Alexander Klaubert founded the art platform ‚Tired Mass‘.
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Francis Kussatz (*1996 in Titisee-Neustadt, Schwarzwald) engages with fragments from the realms of sculpture, performance, photography, video, prose texts, installations, and music. Francis constantly rearranges these elements, both together and apart. By creating various persona(s), Francis questions existing gender constructs and other themes such as economic freedom and the limitations imposed by illness within a system or systems that only consider certain groups of people. Francis has studied fine arts at the HfbK Hamburg and the UdK Berlin and is a graduate under Monica Bonvicini.

Julia Lübbecke (*1989 in Giessen) studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, UMPRUM – Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. She completed the Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt postgraduate programme in 2020. Lübbecke’s transdisciplinary practice includes sculptural installations, photography, text, video and performative elements. Her works deal with the relationship between body and institution, exploring this connection to examine dominant structures of order and create processes to make them fragile. She is particularly interested in the potential of effects such as desire or discomfort, which are key themes in her subjective archive. She uses this term to describe her own practice of collecting and constructing, which aims to develop an ephemeral method of sharing and remembering knowledge, abandoning classifications and categorizations. Julia Lübbecke’s works have been shown internationally: at Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos in Santiago de Chile, Galerie im Turm in Berlin, VUNU Gallery in Košice (SK) and IKOB – Museum of Contemporary Art in Eupen (BE). She was one of the recipients of the IKOB – Art Prize for feminist art in 2019 and has received grants from the Stiftung Kunstfonds (2021, 2022) and the Berlin Senate (2022), among others. In 2022 her first monograph was published by Sandstein Verlag and she’s currently a Dorothea Schlegel Artist in Residence.
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